IL MONFERRATO DI MONDO: UN MONDO DI ECCELLENZE Monferrato casalese area and the Po Plain area
Focus on

Busy week-end in Casale Monferrato with expositions, concerts and festivals

Especially the free expositions inside the castle, open till November the 1st, from Friday to Sunday and from 10.00 a.m to 7.00 p.m.

On 26,27 and 28 June many events have been organized;

On 26 june, at 9.00 pm, during the exhibition “ DiVino, le antiche terre dell’Egitto e del Monferrato”, the show “Delitto in mostra, omicidio all'ombra delle piramidi” will be performed. The story is set in 1929 and the spectators will pretend to be the investigators, trying to find out the mysterious killer.

Info and reservation: 342-7891464

On the second floor, you can still find the exposition “I lumi di Channukkah”. On 27 June, here, at 6.00 p.m, you will be able to take part in a guided tour of the exhibition.


Moreover, the exposition “Don Bosco in Monferrato” will be present in the castle until 30 March. Moreover, on Sunday, from 10.30 a.m to 4.00p.m, free guided tour.


On Sunday 28 of June at 9.00 p.m, inside the exhibition “ Monferrato DOC: patrimonio dell’Umanità Unesco” , the captivating concert “Bacco & Bach, Beatles go Baroque“ will be performed. The concert will be divided in four parts, each part will be stage of a different wine tasting.

Price: five euros each one. To get more informations or booking


Furthermore, from 19 June to 27 June, you can visit the photographic exhibition “ Paesaggi vitivinicoli Unesco europei“ .


More informations:


On the other hand, on 25 June, at the Teatro Municipale, the Junior section of the Orchestra Classica of Alessandria will permorf “L'estro armonico della prevenzione”.

Tickets: 15 euros (full price) or 10 euros (lowered price).


On Sunday, Piazza Mazzini will host the “Festa dei Popoli”. During the day there will be tasting of other cultures food, music from the world, nursery rhymes, tasting at the down, Fire-show and chinese lamp in the sky.


Sunday 28, at the end, from 7.00 a. to 12.30 p.m, you will find the “Festa del Valentino”, with markets, painters, music and flowers. Because of the events, Corso Valentino, will be closed for motorized vehicles.

On Sunday, in Piazza Santo Stefano, you will also be able to attend "Drop in Jazz" with music and food.


Ph. Marco Bertoncini