IL MONFERRATO DI MONDO: UN MONDO DI ECCELLENZE Monferrato casalese area and the Po Plain area
Focus on
Rice & Roses

Events in Monferrato on Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th May


What does Casale Monferrato propose? On Friday 4 th May you can discover the Park of the Aree protette del Po Vercellese-Alessandrino (Protected areas of the Po Vercelli and Alessandria Areas) by riding the bike, walking but also through projections and tastings while on Saturday 5 th May at 11 inauguration of the exhibition "Colori nel Chiostro” (Colors in the cloister) (in San Domenico) and at 3 pm starts the dramatized narration in stages in the historic center called "Un Fiore per Anne” (A flower for Anne). From 3 to 5 pm by reservation, it’s possible to visit the Giovanni Canna Library for free, where the exhibition "Il Vanto di una Centenaria" (The pride of a centenary) by Paola Casulli is set up. At 4 pm (Mercato Pavia), begins the Contesto Live - the Youth Forum of the Diocese with flash mob, contest, rap competition, music and performances. It will continue at 6 pm(Castello) where the exhibition "Love me Tender" by Alberto Raiteri is open, which is added to the other exhibitions already underway. And on Sunday? There is an embarrassment of choice: at 11 am the exhibition "Gerusalemme” (Jerusalem) (Sala Carmi) with works by Emanuele Luzzati (and book presentation at 4.30 pm) will be inaugurated. At noon the intercultural aperitif at the Oratorio di Sant'Ilario is served. Two concerts: at 5.30 pm (Sala Massaza) "Tutti I Colori della Musica” (All the colors of Music) with pianist Oderigi Lusi and Chicco Accornero and at 5 pm (Santa Caterina) with the choral performance "A Patrizia" (To Patrizia).

For more information please click here.



In Monferrato arrives Riso & Rose (Rice & Roses) and events flourish! Between Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th May in Terruggia is organized, in the Park of Villa Poggio “Vivere in campagna” (Living in the Countryside) with two days to spend between markets of plants, furniture, hobby, typicality and visits to infernots (underground cellars), workshops, meetings, cooking pottery, and also pony riding, animations, majorettes, sports and gastronomic events. Lovers of historic houses and majestic spring gardens are expected on Saturday 5th and Sunday 6 th at the event “Ponzano in ... Giardini Aperti” (Ponzano in… Open gardens): the village of Ponzano Monferrato organizes guided tours to the gardens of castles, historic houses and to infernot and also nordic walking, markets of tipicity, exhibitions, a concert, floral exhibitions and the lunch of roses. In Fubine Monferrato, on Sunday 6 th, asparagus triumphs as the protagonist of the festival that will bring in the center of the village markets, visits, lunch, helicopter flights, theater shows and tours to infernots.

For more information please click here.

Casale MonferratoMonferratoRiso & Rose in MonferratoWeekend