IL MONFERRATO DI MONDO: UN MONDO DI ECCELLENZE Monferrato casalese area and the Po Plain area
Focus on
Rice & Roses 
Rice & Roses

Waiting for Rice&Roses

The 16th edition of "Riso & Rose in Monferrato (Rice&Roses in Monferrato)"  is coming: on the three weekends from  7th to  22nd  May 2016 there will be about 30 villages and towns, coordinated by Mon.D.O.(Monferrato domanda offerta), ready to offer  feasts, art, food, wine, plants and more.
This year the villages  that will take part with Casale Monferrato in this celebration  will be Terruggia, Mirabello Monferrato, Moncalvo, Ponzano Monferrato, Fubine (with a side event), 14th-15th Coniolo, Pontestura, Morano sul Po, Valmacca, Pecetto di Valenza e San Salvatore Monferrato, Rosignano Monferrato, Cella Monte, Ozzano Monferrato, Sala Monferrato, Camino, Fontanetto, Giarole, Quargnento. The Lomellina area is also involved with events in  Sartirana, Breme e Mede.